Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day 25/30: Y is for Yellow Fields of Yesteryear

"Yellow Fields of Yesteryear" *SOLD*
Oil on Board

Today's painting is for "Y"...."Yellow Fields of Yesteryear".  I pulled on the huge collection of photos I have for this subject matter.  The reference photo was taken on a farm near Newnan, Georgia a few years ago in the beautiful springtime.  It was a very 'yellow' day...not just because of the yellow fields, but also the new growth on the trees was that bright yellow-green of early spring and the sun was shining so brightly. A happy memory! Yellow is a happy color!

We are getting very close to the end of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge and just one more day left in the alphabet series.  There were times when I didn't think I'd make it through!  The past few days, I've painted like a crazy lady...painting ahead a bit because I'll be away from the old easel for the last few days of the month.  I've actually done 30 already this month when you also count the wedding reception paintings I've completed.  I guess technically my goal has been met, but I didn't want to include the wedding paintings in the challenge. 
It has been great fun and a huge learning experience!

If you are interested in purchasing this painting, please click here:

1 comment:

martinealison said...


Votre cheminement est parfait.
Quel merveilleux défi ! Un travail titanesque que de le réussir.
Je peins si lentement que je ne parviendrais pas à le faire.

Cette dernière peinture me donne envie de gambader comme lorsqu'on est enfant dans ce pré fleuri...
Très jolie peinture.

Gros bisous.