Friday, January 2, 2015

Day 2/30: "Étude de Cerise"

Étude de Cerise
Oil on Board

For the second day of the daily painting challenge, I chose to go back to an old favorite since they were in the grocery store yesterday!  I love them and love to paint them so it's two for one!

It's always a challenge to try and paint the reflections and see what really isn't red at all in them; so much of the color is really almost a purple-black. 

You may see this subject again!

Thanks for looking!

If you are interested in purchasing this painting, you can use this link which takes you to my website:


Tam Foree said...

Beautiful brushwork and colors! bravo!

Barbara said...

Thank you so much! How nice to get a comment and such a nice one, too! :)