Friday, March 28, 2014

Springing Back to the Blog!

It's been awhile since my last post.
(I wonder how many other blog posts begin like that!)
I've neglected it, I know.  Sometimes I think I'm the only one reading it! LOL!  
Okay, enough of that!  

Here's what I've been working on this week: loosening up!
I bought some beautiful red geraniums...well, not red exactly, 
but that gorgeous "straight-from-the-tube-cadmium-red" variety. 
My challenge was also to not make it too "straight-from-the-tube-cadmium-red", you know?

So, here was the first one.  A little on the tight side, huh?

...and here was the second one.  Closer to what I was aiming for.'s the latest one.  Getting closer and I'm really starting to l.o.v.e. painting this geranium.  
I think painting the same thing multiple times is a great way to learn.
So, there will be more!  Added bonus....they look really good in my neutral colored kitchen! :)

Thank for reading and looking!


Sharon L. Graves said...

Love all three but I love the first one and it's colors. FYI, I have a hard time with the prove I'm not a robot thingy so I don't comment on those blogs as much.

Barbara said...

Thank you, Sharon!! I appreciate your comment AND for letting me know about the robot comment thing! I always feel like I'm just talking to myself when I don't see any comments!! LOL! Silly....because I read other blogs a lot and don't always comment!! Anyway, I DO appreciate it very much!! :)