Thursday, June 21, 2012

Second Chances

This weekend I was doing some plein air painting and came up with one that was a "scraper".  Even if you're not familiar with plein air, you probably know what that means!  Well, like anything else in life, you can look at it two ways.  Wasted time, wasted paint, wasted canvas OR (and this is preferred!) an opportunity to learn in some gorgeous late spring weather and a nice toned canvas ready to be used for another painting! 

So, that's what this is.  My "second chance" painting this week!  This one is a scene from Lake Martin, Alabama and it's 14"x11" entitled "Light on the Water". 

So, moral of the story - scraping down something you've worked hard on can be painful, but starting over can be beautiful!  Love to all of you and thanks for looking and reading!

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