I thought I would post this "evening" painting as we approach the evening of the year. I hope these last few days of 2011 find you at peace with the events of the year and hopeful for 2012! A new day will dawn...a fresh, clean canvas...let's make it beautiful and full of light!
Hey Barbara. Thanks for visiting my blog. I remember your work from Stonehenge. I need to get by there soon. I especially love your landscapes. You are terrific with clouds! The colors in this piece are beautiful!
We will have to get together sometime. I do the Lake Martin "art on the lake" show most years. I noticed you had a pic of Lake Martin. So...maybe....
as the year ends... happy new one!
Carol - I never have done Art of the Lake, but have considered it many times. I've been a little afraid of the weather...those thunderstorms can really brew up that time of year!
Paraskevi - Happy New Year to you, too!!!
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