Friday, February 18, 2011

The Tigers' Trees

Roots go deep down at the corner of Magnolia and College in Auburn, Alabama...and deep in the hearts of the Auburn family is a love for a couple of trees that have brought so much joy to countless people.
This painting was done right after our Auburn Tigers became the National Champions and now they are champions in spirit.
War Eagle!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Winter Blahs Maybe? *SOLD*

I'm posting this painting that I did in the fall using a very limited palette. This one worked, but my experiments with a limited palette this week are failing it seems! I've scraped more canvas and wasted more paint than I have in a long time and I am frustrated!! The middle of winter always leaves me a bit put out and this one is no exception. I'm determined to pull off a good one...or two...this week, though! Back to the easel!!