Sunday, May 5, 2013

May Flowers

This cold snap has us forgetting that it really is May, so here's a little reminder that those April showers (and the pretty hefty May downpours, too!) will bring us some gorgeous blooms soon.  My hydrangea bush is full of buds, so guess what I'll be painting soon?  I can't wait!!!
Most of these paintings are still available for purchase!  If you are interested, please click this link to my website's still life page!


Vanessa said...

Gorgeous work and collage!

Barbara said...

Thank you so much, Vanessa!

Karen Johnston Daily Paintings said...

Great collage and lovely work!

Barbara said...

Thanks, Karen!!!

joanne grant said...
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Sharon L. Graves said...

love this collage. Not to mention the art in it. Great job!

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Beautiful collage! Your hydrangeas got my eye!:)

Barbara said...

Thank you, Sharon & Jennifer! I can't wait for my hydrangeas to bloom again so I can paint some more!